The Snatch is indeed a showcase of explosive power, speed, and good technique in this exciting world of weightlifting. The leading ladies for a snatch are celebrated as we turn the attention of females lifters that have not only excelled at this complicated lift but also written their names down into the history books and re-wrote it.
Chen Yanqing
Chinese athlete Chen Yanqing is one among many of those who led to the development of female weightlifting and its popularisation of Snatch. Chen participated as a 58kg contender during the 2004 Athen’s Olympic and was the best at Snatch. This made weightlifting females move above a new level by lifting heavy weights within few seconds. The achievements by Chen would not merely be written in sporting pages but also, they were the foundation for many more female athletes who would go on and excel at snatch.
Tatiana Kashirina
Moving on to the contemporary accomplishments, name Tatiana Kashirina of Russia is certainly worth a mention in the field of Snatch. Kashirina’s performance as a super heavyweight lifter had always been exemplary in terms of strength of physical skill. During the 2015 World Weightlifting Championships, she lifted 155 kgs in a Snatch, establishing a new world record. This feat has made Kashirina one of the most prominent females in the Snatch and has encouraged many other women weightlift.
Sukanya Srisurat
On the same note, there is Sukanya Srisurat, a Thai weightlifter whose name has been recorded as one of the greatest in the sport’s history in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Participating in the event in the 58kg class for women, Srisurat won a gold with an Olympic record and a perfect lifting technique for snatch at 110kg. Srisurat’s accomplishment echoed through the weightlifting fraternity to future female hopefuls who should do their Snatch as hard as they can.
Rim Jong-Sim
Without mentioning the case of North Korea’s Rim Jong-sim, the history of the leading ladies of the Snatch would be inaccurate. At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Rim showed great skills and power in the 75kg weight class, winning a gold medal, and breaking an Olympic record by lifting 121 kilograms in the snatch. This indicated the artistic finesse required for nailing the Rim’s achievements have rekindled a group of modern-day female weightlifters, who are driven by the desire to conquer the demanding yet fascinating squat heavy lift.
It is clear as we commemorate the women at snatching that, these ladies have not only created a name for themselves on the weightlifting arena but they, have also broken every stereotype associated with females and strength sports. They do this by demonstrating the elegance and might which be associated with Snatch move where one needs both physical, technical and psychological ability for the purpose of performance.
Conclusively, it is noted that female weightlifting has seen the emergence of
great ladies who have remoulded the concept of Snatch. These athletes have
started making their first steps in the world of female weightlifting after the
achievements of Chen Yanqing, including Tatiana Kashirina’s record breaking 227
kg total lift set at the world championships. The legacy of these leading women
uncovers that snatch is portrayal of female power and strength in dynamization
arena of weightlifting world.

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